The Church Versus the Casino

The Church cannot help but condemn games of chance, any practice of gambling, that may end up in depriving people of what is necessary to provide for their needs and of those under their responsibility.

Mgr. Mercieca is on record stating his strong belief that whoever really wants the highest good for the people cannot help but be concerned seeing our community being bombarded, as is happening, with the messages that encourage people to gamble and keep on gambling.

One recent occasion when the Archbishop spoke on the subject was in his message of this year to journalists on the occasion of the Liturgical Feast of St. Francis de Sales, their patron saint. On that occasion, Mgr. Mercieca said: "I believe that journalists and the media can be of great assistance in helping the Maltese family to stand strong against the harm that certain serious passions may lead to, such as games of chance."

Up to now the media is being used for the promotion of invitations encouraging people to buy lottery tickets in the hope of winning certain prizes. The bigger the prize, the more intensive is the promotion encouraging one to try one's luck."

Similar investigations by journalists may also be widened to include problems like illegal betting, which, it is suspected, is perhaps a grave wound.

The Archbishop's stand against the culture of games of chance and gambling and the harm they are bound to inflict on vulnerable people is clear enough. © Copyright 2014. All rights reserved.

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